Donate to Woman to Woman Magazine. A magazine that wants to see Women Restored, Revived, and Refreshed. A magazine that helps women on this journey called life. We need each other. You can make a difference in a woman’s life by partnering with us to send this magazine to Impact, Empower, Inspire, and Connect with Women. Our Donation Campaign is to Widows in Kenya, Africa and in the United States, women in prison, women in domestic abuse shelters and single parents. We would like to send each group of women a gift subscription to Woman to Woman magazine. Help us reach and minister to these women. We want to get this magazine in the home and heart of these women. When you give, you send a message of love, support and encouragement. Your willingness to donate will be a catalyst to women and bring help, hope and healing. Your giving will make a difference. Thank you for your Support.